Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a novella that follows the journey of a young prince from a tiny asteroid. The story is narrated by the pilot who encountered the young prince in the middle of the Sahara desert. The novella is philosophical and explore society's perception of friendship and love. It also delves into the broader issue of the meaning of life, and what is or should be valued.
The novella is so short and easy to read that anyone who had read it before should re-read it again. I gained to new perspective re-reading the story now then when I had read it back when I was 14.
I am usually one of the many who believes that a film version of a novel can never measure up to the text. However, I must say that I am impress with how the production team have approached Le Petit Prince. The film follows the story written by Saint-Exupéry, but it also added another element. In the Netflix's film, there is a Little Girl and she acts as a great juxtaposition to the pilot and the adults in the film.
I would recommend everyone to read the novella and watch the film. They are both wonderful works that would make an interesting table conversation.
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