
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Syringoma are benign skin tumor that derives from specialized cells related to sweat glands. They are the little bumps that usually developed around the eyes that won't go away with a good skincare regime. The cause of syringoma is still not understood but there appears to be a genetic link.

I started developing syringoma under my eyes when I was in high school. I initially thought the bumps under my eyes were acne, but they never went away when my acne started subsiding. My family physician originally thought that it was milia and told me that my only solution is to have them laser off. I later learned through my own research that I had syringoma. It was confirmed by a cosmetician that I went to last week that what I had was syringoma.

The cosmetician told me that my syringoma can be entirely removed in one session, and that the syringoma will not reappear in the same area once I go through the procedure; the procedure used was an RF ablation. However, syringoma may form in surrounding areas since my skin is prone to developing it.

In my research, I have read that there is not a cure for syringoma and it can reformed even after removal. But I decided to do some more research after my procedure and found that it is possible to eradicate syringoma without recurrence in the same area using RF ablation.

Before RF ablation
After RF ablation
8 days after procedure; 3 days after the scabs fell off